The Benson Boys

The Benson Boys
A glimpse into the lives of our three boys (one big guy and two little guys)

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Mr. Independent

Apparently, 21 months is the new 3, because all week long Grant has been VERY insistent on putting his own jacket on, his own shoes on, his own hat on, etc... all the while not being very successful, but giving it a good try. But, just in the last day or so, he has actually had some success with getting his jacket on (several times now). In this particular case, he managed to get it on (although upside-down) when we were leaving Culvers on Friday night. He was very proud and clearly poised to scream if I would have attempted to take it off him and put it on the right way. So, although I felt a little silly leaving the restaurant with my kid in his jacket the wrong way, sometimes you just have to let it be. It's just one of those things that "is not going to matter a week from now", ya know. Plus, good photo opportunity too :)


Stephanie said...

That is absolutely hilarious!!!

The Thompson's said...

I hear ya with that one KO...some battles you just don't EVER want to pick...EVER!!!!