The Benson Boys

The Benson Boys
A glimpse into the lives of our three boys (one big guy and two little guys)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Last Weekend: Baseball and Boating

Last weekend was BUSY, and this is always clear (to me anyway) when Monday rolls around and the house and all the laundry is still dirty:)... it was busy, but fun. Mitchell's baseball team played their first games of the year in a tournament in St. Cloud. The team didn't have the greatest success, but I think they learned alot and got their first games out of the way. Mitch has a couple hits over the weekend, one of them about to happen in the picture below. Uncle Jon, Aunt Terri, Lincoln, and Jayna even made it to a couple of games and we BBQ'd at their place Saturday night. As usual, the boys had a blast playing with their cousins. As soon as we turned onto Jon and Terri's street, Joel said, "Ooooooh, Lincoln and Jayna's house.... I LIKE Lincoln and Jayna's house!!!".
It has been so fun to watch Joel lately, in his first attempts at really playing WITH other kids, interacting and having fun. He loved running around with these boys, chasing each other with super heros. So cute.

Sunday, while Mitch was playing more baseball, the little guys and I got a ride on Papa and Nana's new pontoon! It was our first time out on Lake Pulaski, a lake we drive by and enjoy every single day, but have never gotten to see from the other side. It was a beautiful day for a boat ride.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

The pontoon looks awesome, KO! So funny, my parents are getting theirs in two weeks! I'm just crossing my fingers it will be quiet though, so we can actually get Hadley on it... Hope you are getting your weekend laundry done today, and tomorrow :)