The Benson Boys

The Benson Boys
A glimpse into the lives of our three boys (one big guy and two little guys)

Monday, May 24, 2010

Moving on with it already...

So after buying about, oh... I don't know, maybe $60 's worth of pull-ups per month for nearly 5 months, I have finally determined that there is a reason these things are so expensive... and that reason would be that one is not supposed to be using them for sooooooo loooonngg. Last weekend, we went ahead and made the switch to underwear. Yes, there were some accidents, but for the MOST part, it's going well so far. #2 is a different story, and as far as I can tell he will be doing that in the underwear for the time being, but we'll figure that out eventually too. But afterall, the countdown to preschool is on, only about 3 months left for potty-training to be complete! Joel had out grown most of the underwear (that he has never worn) in his drawer, but enjoyed being a big boy and showing off his newest undies.

I also should have taken a picture of Grant playing outside after dinner tonight, with no pants on and THREE pairs of underwear over his diaper, in an attempt to be a big boy too. He was sooo proud of the "star wars pants" he had on... all three of them!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

WAY too cute! He looks pretty proud too :)