The Benson Boys

The Benson Boys
A glimpse into the lives of our three boys (one big guy and two little guys)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Date Night

Since Grant is not "movie theater ready", my littlest little guy, and myself had some quality time together while Jeff, Mitch, and Joel when to Shrek 3 at the theater Saturday night. It is always such a good reminder of what a sweet little guy Grant can be when away from his very... well, let's just say "influential" big brother... and not surprisingly, he has even more to say than usual when he has someone to himself.

Our evening started with a trip to the grocery store to get the ingredients to make chocolate chip cookies. As usual, he was a babbling brook in the back seat on the way home.... "mommy, I went in your car, and Joel went in daddy's car", "we are going home now to make cookies, "ooooh, we are going down a hill... and up a hill", "bye bye cows (as we passed the cows), see you next weekend"...

A kiss for his new puppy.
Since it was a "special" night, Grant got to pick out a new stuffed animal at the store. It was SO hard for him to decide on just one, such a stuffed animal lover!

And finally after all the work, some tasty cookies for Grant to share with the boys.

A couple video clips from cookie making...

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

LOVE this post, KO! That little laugh of his is hilarious! Made me laugh at my desk. What a special night for him, and what a good mom to make it special.