The Benson Boys

The Benson Boys
A glimpse into the lives of our three boys (one big guy and two little guys)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Celebrating 4th of July at the Farm

Our 4th of July was 3 days spent in Atwater at the farm and participating in the Spicer, MN 4th of July festivities. This has become a tradition for us. This year, our weekend included Hairball at the Spicer street dance (Jeff and I), parade, fireworks, swimming at the Spicer beach and tubing in Green Lake. It also included fun times/quality time with cousins.

Mitch and Lincoln at the fireworks (pictures uploaded in reverse order).

Grant was quite serious about the candy-collecting at the parade... as opposed to Joel who was much more into eating it and cousin Jayna, who was selective in her candy-gathering. :)

Grant was Lincoln's competition in candy gathering.

some things never change... Joel, but at least he didn't cry... just covered his ears:)

Campfire, righting off the bugs and pending meltdown....

Playing hide n seek at the farm... In the distance you will see Lincoln, Joel and Grant, who just walked past Mitch (who is hiding from them in the trailer attached to the 4-wheeler)
Grant, counting for hide and seek :)

There will always be guns on the farm :)

love this picture, courtesy of Aunt Terri

also love this one from Aunt Terri

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

All of those awesome family moments and memories so beautifully caught on camera and now written into your blog. Awesome!