The Benson Boys

The Benson Boys
A glimpse into the lives of our three boys (one big guy and two little guys)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Bison Hoops

Mitchell's basketball season started several weeks ago. He's been enjoying it so far and his team has been improving each week. Which, I have actually had a change to notice this year, since we have a baby-sitter come each Saturday morning so that Jeff and I can actually watch the games. It's nice! He still has a couple more Saturday morning games if you would like to come and watch... Go Bision!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Bumped and Bruised

This picture was taken about a month ago, but it is really a pretty typical look for Grant... his face usually has a combination of rashes, bruises and scratches. (Click on the picture below for a close-up view) Poor guy, and I sware, I keep a close eye on him! He is dangerous!! I guess I am getting used to it though... during his first week home from the hospital , he made a trip to the Dr. about a rash and got his first bleeding gash under the eye from Joel's finger nail. Some things will probably never change :)

Dirty Laundry!

It fascinates me that, at times, I cannot find a single toy in the house that Joel or Grant will play with for more than 3 minutes, but yet, a dirty basket of laundry that I left sitting by the basement door entertained them for probably close to an hour. Leave it to them to have so much fun rolling around in the dirty laundry... hopefully not the too dirty laundry!

More Bath Time

As you can tell, these 2 need to be right on top of each other while in the tub. Who needs the other half of the tub.

Joel copies EVERYthing Grant does these day, mainly involving biting on things, crawling, and babbling like a baby. It's quite interesting actually :) It makes you wonder what is going through the mind of a 2 year old.

Bed Head

Gotta love Joel's hair...

Wow, I need to catch up! I haven't posted much lately... not sure why. I think I need to get back on the ball. Nothing major has been happening around here. I've been working some, so maybe that's why it seems busier than usual.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Dance Party

Seriously, I've watched this 10 times and I cannot decide who is funniest... Mitchell, Joel, or Grant... all three busting their own moves. They were dancing like this for quite awhile, but it took me about 20 tries to get all three of them in the same picture, looking towards the camera. I hope you enjoy watching as much as I did.