The Benson Boys

The Benson Boys
A glimpse into the lives of our three boys (one big guy and two little guys)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Jayna is 3! and Lincoln is 6!

Happy Birthday Lincoln and Jayna!! We had a great time celebrating yesterday in St. Cloud. There was lots of birthday excitement, and Joel had a blast keeping up with the older kids all day. I think I came through okay with the cakes (at least Lincoln and Jayna seemed to think so). "Yoda" and "Princess" cakes were the requests... see what you think.

Jayna, very happy to pose with her princess cake.

The balloons were a hit!

Grant spent a good deal of time trying to figure out how to eat the balloon:)

Joel was fascinated by Lincoln's pet hermit crabs Grandma Benson got him... don't get any ideas Grandma.....

Joel, not really appreciating us trying to turn him into a princess. I'm surprised he would even drink from this princess cup... he's definitely all boy.

A Day at the Children's Musem

Last week, while my mom was in town, we spent the day at the Children's Museum in St. Paul. It is definitely a toddler's paradise, that's for sure. I think we only saw about 1/3 of the museum before the late afternoon hit, and we had to head home. It is HUGE! I knew that Joel would have a blast exploring everything and he did, but what I didn't expect was the fact that Grant decided he was going to be an active participant as well. (he was really too young for most things we saw, but he is 10 mos, going on 2, so the kids 3 to 5 times his size running everywhere, nearly trampling him, did not phase him in the least.) But again, I am pretty sure he has no clue he is 10 mos old... his only concern was that he HAD to be doing whatever Joel was doing.

In the truck, in the Clifford exhibit

Grant, climbing through a log, in the nature room, back and forth, back and forth...

My cousin's son, Drake and his grandma, met us there. Here is Drake and Joel, looking in at an exhibit.

Grant and grandma

Sending the boats down with "nana"

Grant, eating everything, of course... lovely...

Joel, collecting balls, so no one else could find any, giving Grant only the dented balls to play with.

Joel, stocking up on juice in the pretend grocery store.


I thought you might all enjoy hearing Joel's laugh, when something is REALLY funny. I'm not sure if I've ever heard anything quite like it... the game that is so funny in this clip, is Joel throwing the ball over the railing, and then Jeff and Mitchell diving to try and get it. The first thing you hear Joel say as before he throws the ball over is "Ditto"... that's how he says "Mitchell". Keep in mind, this same game (and laugh) went on for about 20 times in a row.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Little Brothers

Joel and Grant "playing", which usually involves Joel laying on Grant, on way or another...

Joel, saying "sorry" to Grant and giving him a hug after a time-out for pushing him over.

Grant - 10 Months

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Maple Maze and a Haircut

Joel got his second professional haircut today! You may not remember hearing much about the first and that was for good reason... it was a complete disaster. In fact, I may have even been crying when we left the hair salon (the first time). But... now I know that these kids haircut places were created for a very good reason... they work! I was so impressed with Joel today. He had a sucker, a movie, and some sort of Thomas figure on his lap... he was happy as a clam. I REALLY could not believe it. I was prepared for the absolute worst. Yeah for "Kid's Hair"!!

Since we were going to Maple Grove for the hair cut, we decided to stop and play at the "Maple Maze" at the Maple Grove Community Center before-hand. I definitely think we'll be back there soon. Joel had a blast, and I was really impressed by this place. It's one GIGANTIC play structure, all netted in and padded and perfect for kids Joel's age and much bigger as well. Grant has a ways to go before he can play, but he even had fun watching the kids run around.

This slide was FAST!!


This past Thursday, Mitchell was honored, along with some other students at Tatanka, for being an example of the word "Honesty". Each month, a couple students are picked from each classroom as a "Star Student" for the month, and every month, there is a different word.
While at conferences recently, Mitchell's teacher told us a story that we think may have something to do with him being chosen for "honesty". The teacher recently asked Mitchell what he thought she could do to help him not talk so much in class. Mitchell responded with the obvious answer... "Well, Ms. Steuber, I can't sit next to any of my friends in class." She was impressed with his honesty, and apparently the new seating arrangements have been working quite well, too.