The Benson Boys

The Benson Boys
A glimpse into the lives of our three boys (one big guy and two little guys)

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Outside, outside, outside

For some reason, it seems that Grant and I have plenty of alone time outside this week... hmm, could that be do to SOMEone deciding to skip his afternoon nap a few times this week?!!?! Seems that SOMEone is ready to take the leap to one nap, instead of two. But, I would prefer if this SOMEone would not take this one nap just in time to wake up about 15 minutes before Joel's nap begins.... but, unfortunately, SOMEone and SOMEone else are in charge... not me.
Grant is quite serious about this baseball thing, for a one year old... no messing around, just get the ball on the tee...
... and hit it! (he needs both hands to lift the bat!)

fun at our new water table (pointing to the neighbors dog)

Jeff probably thinks he looks like a girl in this hat, but I think it's nothing but adorable!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Daycare Program

Joel and Grant's daycare had an annual program Friday night and I am still smiling in amazement! If you would have asked me, I would have thought Joel would have participated in about 2 minutes of this program if that, but, oh no, he participated in the entire 30 - 40 minutes (it was WAY longer than I thought it would be, and we kept running out of memory on the camera and the video camera. Here is one my favorite clips from the "Chicken Dance". Joel and his buddy Brady were spinning each other around for so long that Joel falls down because he is dizzy when they are done.... but he gets right up! The show must go on!

Here is the second clip (it was little too big to post on the blog), but you can click here to watch it. You'll need to enter username: and password: nosneb1776

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

5th Grade Wax Museum Project - Mitchell "Crazy Horse" Benson

Special thanks to Grandma Benson for all her help with Mitchell's Crazy Horse costume, props, etc, for his project. She actually made the entire costume and it was very impressive.

During the program, the kids actually had to stand/sit completely still, only changing their positions every few minutes when a bell would ring. It was a great project and a fun way for them to learn.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Double Birthday Bash for Mitchell (11) and Grant (1)

11 Big Ones!
Guitar Cake didn't take me ANY time at all to make...

Mitchell, smashing a fake guitar that a birthday gift was hidden in (from Uncle Jon and Aunt Terri)

Joel, liking Grant's new toys a little TOO much :)

The 3 little cousins playing with Grant's new toy cars

Grant, "opening" presents

Great Mama Rose (and George's foot) playing with Grant

Grant loved the balloons!

More balloons

Kind of a bummer, but Grant was could have cared less about the birthday cake I made JUST for him. We waiting too long, and he was so tired, ALL he wanted was his bottle and to go to sleep.
Great Mama Rose and Papa George were special guests at the party.

And more balloons...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The "Greats" in Hibbing

This week brought us (just the little guys and I) to Hibbing for my great uncle Don's funeral. The funeral service was on Monday and it was a nice day with LOTS of people celebrating his life. And of course, anytime in Hibbing means some quality time with the "great nanas" and "great papas" , as we were teaching Joel to call them. The boys had fun playing with all the nanas and papas in Hibbing and Joel was even giving out quite a few more hugs than usual.

Great Aunt Delores (it was her husband who passed away), and she came from Arizona to bury him in Hibbing. It was nice to see her, as it had been a LONG time and she had never met the boys before.

Great Papa Mike and Great Nana Mary Anne

Great Nana Rose and Papa George

Thursday, May 14, 2009

ONEderful Benson Boys

Happy Birthday Grant!

Looking at these 3 photos of the boys, at one year old, I have no idea... do they all look completely different, all look the same... do Joel and Mitchell look totally different and Grant is a combo of the two?... I have no idea.

Baby Benson 5.14.08

Little Benson 1.5.07

Big Benson 6.3.98

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

Yes, this IS the best picture we could possibly take.
Today was a very pretty quiet day around here. Joel and I took an alone trip to the grocery store in the morning, where he was on his best behavior (he really was), and we played outside after lunch , until naptime. I'll post more cute pics from outside later, but this was the best we could get of the 3 of us, for Mother's Day.
Mitchell is visiting his mom this weekend in WI, and got to go to the Brewers/Cubs game at Miller Stadium. I guess it was Happy Mother's Day to Mitchell :)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Teddies = Snugglies

Recently, when Joel spotted Daddy and Grant snuggling on the floor with Grant's "teddy", Joel didn't waste anytime running up stairs to get his "teddy" as well, so he could join in the fun. He wasn't about to let Daddy and Grant have a moment of cuddling without him. These pictures look sweet, but you can bet it was a matter of about 30 seconds before this snuggle fest turned into a wrestling match. Boys will be boys, I guess.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

102B Cuties

Last Friday was a very long awaited playdate with 2 of my very best friends, Sara, Steph (and their kiddos). Baby #6 was born 8.8.08, and since then, we have not managed ONCE to do what we used to do once a month, back before babies 4, 5, &6... that is come together, from Buffalo, MN, Eau Claire, WI, and Cottage Grove, MN, and meet in the middle (Cottage Grove). But... now that we've managed it once, I have a feeling we'll be making the trek more often again.

I also added a beautiful picture of my friend Desi, the fourth member of our clan. (we were roomates in college, and our first apartment address was 102B Oakland Avenue). Des lives in Norway (for the past 7 years) and is expecting her first baby any day. In fact, I believe she is 41 weeks today :) Poor Des. The picture is of her on top of a mountain near her home, which she climbs pretty much daily (apparently even when 40 weeks pregnant).

The "babies", Grant 11.5 months, Piper 8.5 months, and Ellie 10.5 months

The "big" kiddos, Tori 3yrs 5 mos, Hadley 2.5yrs, Joel 2yrs 4 mos

The whole gang of cuties

Last, but not least, Des and Baby Boy Skadal