The Benson Boys

The Benson Boys
A glimpse into the lives of our three boys (one big guy and two little guys)

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Summer Vacation Round One

After MANY years at Roy Lodge in Nisswa, MN, the Pocrnich clan (my mom's family) made their debut at Tip-Top Resort of Pequet Lakes, MN, this year. And, it seems the concensus was that Tip-Top was pretty "tip-top". The beach... (which I am just realizing now I really didn't take any pictures of), was UNbelievable... bigger and sandier than you could imagine for this little resort. The weather was one of the best weeks I can remember EVER, and like I said, we have been vacationing this week in June for MANY years. It was about 85 to 90 degrees and sunny, EVERY day we were there! It was beach time every day, instead of half the time like in years past. We stayed in a cabin with my parents, as well as my brother, Mike and his girlfriend, Jenn, for the half of the week they were able to join us. The rest of the Pocrnich clan had cabins throughout the resort.

Gazebo, overlooking the beach.
"Nana" and "Papa" with the kids next to the cabin (best we could do for a picture) :)

It was fun to watch Joel get braver and braver in the water, throughout the week. He really enjoyed the beach.

Grant, on the other hand, was not quite the beach bum that Joel was... he usually liked it for a few minutes, but would usually end up upset about the cold water/sandy hands/sand in his eyes/etc. Inevitebly, he would end up wanting to sit his wet/sandy/greasy sunblocked bum right on mom's lap.

Mitchell, taking a swim

Bathtime! The cabin didn't have a bathtub, but we have found on past cabin vacations that rubbermaid containers work just as well :)
I put together a slide show with the rest of the pictures I liked (WAY too many fun pictures)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Before and AFTER!

During the past month, the back of our house has turned from this...

To this.... !!

I am loving our new porch and I think it turned out exactly how we have been picturing it in our heads for the 5 years. Perfect!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Off to a Good Start!

I am extremely unqualified to tell you about Mitchell's baseball season so far, since my knowledge of the game is a bit lacking (Jeff has had to explain to me twice already that the top of the inning comes first and then the bottom) ya, I know, I know, that's pathetic), but... I can tell you that he is doing GREAT! As evidenced by the TWO game balls he has received already this season (it's kinda like the MVP for the game and they are pictured below). The first one was received for some good hitting (a triple I believe) and some good playing overall, and the second game ball was received for hitting a GRAND SLAM. Very Nice!

Hang Out

Joel and Grant have been hanging out under the stools lately... I have no idea... I guess they think it's fun. I just think it's funny :)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Graduate

Well, Mitchell is officially a junior high student now (whoa). Tomorrow, (Thursday) is his last day of elementary school (WOW!). I remember clearly the day that Jeff told me about how he cried when Mitchell got on the bus for kindergarten... and then how the bus dropped Mitchell off at home, instead of daycare after school (there was no one home). Luckily, the neighbor at the time was home to help Mitchell find his way to where he was supposed to be.

Yep, I'm a cool 5th grade graduate... (gotta love the upside down diploma)

I think Mitchell and his friend Brady go to the same hair stylist. Wow... and I thought Mitchell's hair had volume!