The Benson Boys

The Benson Boys
A glimpse into the lives of our three boys (one big guy and two little guys)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Everywhere Grant Goes...

... Joel goes too.
Joel ALWAYS needs to be RIGHT in the action wherever Grant is. It's very cute, but sometimes I fear for Grant's life! I look forward to the day when these two can be left alone for a mere 30 seconds :)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Sweet Boy

Grant hands out the smiles, coos, and laughs non-stop these days. It was actually a little harder to make him smile in this video, just because he was a little distracted by the camera I had in his face.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Super Big Bro

Two weeks from today, Mitchell will be back in school (5th grade), and I just may have to hire someone to take his place around here :) Seriously, he is so much help with the kids everyday. Whenever both Joel and Grant need my attention at the same time, I just say "Mitchell, can you pleeease help me", and he comes to my rescue with no complaints. He is especially good at playing with Joel, and Joel loves him and will gladly play with him anytime. It has been so nice to be able to count on him to help me out this summer. Thanks Mitchell - you will be missed when you go back to school!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

3 Months Old

I'm a few days late, but it's hard to believe that Grant is 3 months old already. So much changes from newborn to 3 months. Now that Grant is really starting to show his personality, some of the most noticeable traits are how easily he smiles (he'll smile from across the room if you talk to him and he laughed for the first time at only 8 weeks old), and 90% of the time, his very "chill" personality (I personally think this is to offset his older brother (Joel, that is)). Beware though, if you let him get worked up, there is no going back :)
The other thing about Grant is that he is a "homeboy". When we stay home, he is the golden boy, but take him on the road or anywhere else, and I often don't recognize my sweet little baby.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Double Bumbo

Thanks Aunt Terri, for restoring peace to our house with a second Bumbo chair. At first, I didn't thing the second Bumbo was going to do much good, as it seemed Joel didn't want Grant to be in EITHER Bumbo. But, he warmed up to the idea and actually ended up thinking it was a little fun sitting next to each other.

Joel, leaning in for a kiss

Grant, chilling; Joel, smiling for the camera

Friday, August 15, 2008

Bumbo Time

So, now that Grant is 3 months old, I thought it was about time to get out the Bumbo chair. Well, unfortunately for Grant, Joel is not quite ready to give up the chair, even though it has been well over a year since he sat in it. My sister-in-law Terri is actually bringing me her Bumbo today, to borrow, so both Joel and Grant will have a Bumbo soon... at least until Joel realizes he is way too big for it.

Grant, sitting peacefully in his Bumbo, just before being spotted by Joel.

Joel, seeing what he could do to get Grant out of the chair himself.

And Joel, a little bit upset, when his efforts to remove Grant were not working.

So, since Grant is indifferent, of course I give in and let Joel try the Bumbo.

And, 10 seconds after a melt-down, Joel, sitting happily in the Bumbo chair. Looks like Grant will just have to wait for Aunt Terri to arrive :)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Trip to Chicago

Jeff and Mitchell had a great time in Chicago, as you'll see in the slide show. I'm pretty sure it was a trip they will never forget. We missed them while they were gone, but we are still missing Mitchell, as he went straight from Chicago to Hackinsack, MN for a resort vacation with Grandpa and Grandma Benson. It will be good to have him home at the end of the week. Hopefully, Grandpa and Grandma are taking lots of good pictures :)

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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Joel's New Moves

So, a week ago, Joel didn't dance... but now, suddenly, he REALLY dances. I still laugh every time I watch this. And yes, this video is in real time, not fast forward :)

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A Trip to Hibbing, MN

While Jeff and Mitchell were taking in the sites of Chicago last week (those pictures coming soon), Joel, Grant, and I made the trek up to Northern MN. I only attempted the 3.5 hour trip because my mom rode with me both ways, sitting in the back, between the little ones, tending to their every need (which were MANY during the trip).

We mostly relaxed while in Hibbing, but Joel did much bouncing, thanks to a little surprise Grandma and Grandpa had for him when he got there. (see the pictures below). It was a good trip. Thanks to Grandpa and Grandma for all the fun!

Bounce, bounce, bounce

Great Grandma Rose "Mama Rose" and George visited us many times while we were in Hibbing

Great Grandpa Mike and Great Grandma Mary Anne "Mama Mary Anne" made many stops to see the little ones, as well.

Thanks to all the great grandparents for making it so easy on us and coming everyday to see us. After that long trip it was nice to be able to stay in one place once we were there.

Grant, taking a ride with George

Bathtime, in the bathroom sink, with help from Joel

Exploring the water at Uncle Dan and Aunt Kathy's cabin at Harriet Lake

Swimming with Grandpa

Grandma and Grant on the dock

Uncle Dan showing Grant the sites at his lake shore

Grandma helping Joel throw rocks into the lake

And, just before heading home, Joel gets his third haircut from Grandma Jane. After watching her in action, I'm beginning to wonder if we should hire a professional one of these times.