The Benson Boys

The Benson Boys
A glimpse into the lives of our three boys (one big guy and two little guys)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Snowy Saturday

The snow just keeps coming today. Today was really Joel's first time being knee deep in snow and definitely his first time sledding. Mitchell took him out to the side of our house where is a perfect toddler-sized slope. Meagan and Nora from across the street also came over to try out the hill. I took the video and pictures from through the screen actually (I was inside with Grant, Jeff wasn't home). So, if the pictures seem a little blurry, that's why... not to mention the snow falling. Joel and Nora both loved going down the hill, but the whole outdoor experience only lasted about 10 minutes or so. After a couple face-plants, Mitchell hauled him in screaming. However, as soon as I got all his wet snow gear off, I asked him if he had fun and without delay, he said "Yaaaa!". Thanks to big brother Mitchell for being such a good sport and strong enough to carry Joel up the hill in deep snow. I will also mention, at 21 weeks pregnant, Meagan was also holding her own carrying Nora through the snow. I was a little worried about her :)

Mitchell, I believe with a handful of snow headed for his mouth:) Way to teach your brother, Mitchell.

Yep, it's been about 10 minutes, and Joel is ready to come inside.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Long Winter Days

With the COLD weather, the days have recently become a bit longer around here. Sometimes it seems like more effort than it's worth to get everyone all bundled up to go to Target or the grocery store just to kill some time. Not to mention, neither Grant nor Joel enjoy getting their winter gear on and Grant has to be wrestled into his carseat (he has some pretty good back-arching maneuvers). So, we've been keeping ourselves a little busy with some new activities for Joel, like Playdoo, coloring, etc. Here are some photos from our day on Tuesday of this week.
Getting pretty serious about coloring here

And putting stickers on Grant's face, always a fun activity... (don't worry, they didn't have much stick left on them, so Grant was not harmed during this game.)

So, I'm having way too much fun with this new photo editing website my cousin got me into ( Plus, I love this picture of Grant. Gotta love his eyes and long lashes. (Notice his Aunt Kelly in the background, keeping a close watch over him)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Pocrnich Family Christmas

We celebrated with the Pocrnich clan this past weekend in Northfield, MN, hosted by Aunt Connie as usual, it was quite a feast!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

What a Joseph!

Today was Mitchell's big theatrical debut, as Joseph in the church Christmas program. He was great, and all his Grandparents were there to cheer him on, which he was very pleased with. Check out the clips below... The first clip is Mitchell's duet with Mary. It is just Joseph and Mary singing, and Mitchell is in his falsetto (sp?) voice, so their voices blend perfectly :)

Mitchell and his very own donkey, before the performance

The angel, speaking to Joseph, telling him he would be the father of Jesus

I could have used a more powerful flash, but this was about the best we could for a group picture.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Even More on the Move

Another milestone to post about :) So if I thought I had my hands full before... now I am really in trouble. I barely have control over Joel and now suddenly Grant is pulling on blinds and pulling on cords... wow, this has come way too fast. I feel like I need to clone myself in order to have control of these two little ones!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Duck Tub Time

This was Grant's second time in the "big boy ducky tub", as I call it. The first time, he was not enthused, but he started to get into experiencing the water this time.