The Benson Boys

The Benson Boys
A glimpse into the lives of our three boys (one big guy and two little guys)

Friday, April 30, 2010

Target Field

April 18th was a BEAUTIFUL day at Target field, and I was definitely wishing I was there to enjoy the new ballpark on such an unusually warm mid-April day. Jeff and Mitch treated both the grandpas to a Twins game a couple weeks ago... I have been a bit slow on the blogging lately (sorry). I'm been training for half-marathon (which is actually next weekend) and all the running has put a little damper on my usual late night blogging and I even find myself konked out during naptime way more often than usual, so I have a little catching up to do!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Farm

We stend a great (and windy) day out at Grandma's farm last week. The boys all love being in the barn, watching the horses and hanging out with the dogs. The cool, windy day did not phase them in the least... it is fun to watch them become more and more interested in the barn and the animals each year.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


These boys...
were MADE...
to be...


And that...

pretty much...

sums up...

what we have...

been up to :)

They really can't get enough and it has been fun to see that the winter has brought big changes for Grant, as far as his independence outside. This is he has the playset conquered and is keeping up with Joel every step of the way. They are having a blast playing together outside, and for some reason it seems to involve (at least a little) less wrestling and fighting than inside play involves, so yea for that!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


We had a great Easter weekend (especially compared to last year, by the way). We celebrated with my parents and my sister, in Buffalo. It was nice to be home, as Jeff and I were able to get in a date night Friday night and much outdoor (and indoor) work done on Saturday and Sunday... so rare to come off a holiday weekend actually feeling productive! Easter morning pics below... boys hunting for eggs and looking through their Easter baskets. Not very good pics, but I'll post them anyway, since it's Easter and there needs to at least be pictures :)

Easter egg hunt in progress

No, Joel is not on his hands and knees looking for Easter eggs... he actually just flew head-long into the table after running full speed into the kitchen to look for eggs.

After church, at Grandpa and Grandma's house.
And last, but not least, Mitchell finally arrives home from a long spring break in Wisconsin, and found that the Easter Bunny had no forgotten him :)

Seriously though, now that I am thinking about last Easter... we are feeling so thankful that an entire year has passed since any seizures in our house and our thankful for the health of all our boys. Thank you, God!