The Benson Boys

The Benson Boys
A glimpse into the lives of our three boys (one big guy and two little guys)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

2-2, and 2 to go

We'll see if these guys can make it 4-2 by the end of the season. I think both Mitchell (and Jeff) are having a fun season and hoping for another couple of wins. The games they lost were very close (I believe the other team scored one touch down in each of the games). Again, I cannot offer any commentary on these pics, as I have no idea what is going on at any given time during any football game, but... I can tell you that Mitchell is #11 and he has 2 wristbands (yes 2) on each arm.

(click picture to enlarge)

Grandpa Benson, always there with helpful advice after the game.

Plenty of fans, or course. Joel and Grant cooperating for a picture as usual, or course.

One of about 3 smiles Joel has ever given for a camera, nice!

Monday, September 28, 2009

School Spirit

Homecoming week in Buffalo was just last week... this was "Decade Day", and courtesy of his dad's famous hippy wig, glasses, and beads, here is Mitchell, setting the standard for COOL at the Buffalo Community Middle School :)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Whatever Works

Joel's bedtime routine after mom and dad tuck him snuggly in his nice new bed, with nice new mattress... get out of bed, make sure all lights are turned on, move everything to the floor, and go to sleep. I have no idea... but if I know Joel, he does this simply because, he can.

This is how we find him when we go in to check on him before going to bed. Whatever works Joel. But yes, of course, we move him back to his nice cozy bed :)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Buffalo Community Middle School welcomes Mitchell Benson...

Per Mitchell:
Best part about middle school = "Prime Time", which is 15 minutes of free time to roam the halls and talk to your friends (from what I understand).

Worst part about middle school = being unable to open your locker in the morning (darn combination locks take some getting used to)

All in all, it sounds like things went well today for Mitchell. He said it was "wierd", and I asked if it was "good wierd" or "bad wierd". He said "a little of each". I'm sure it was completely different than the last 6 years in elementary school, and it's strange, but it seems like he's grown-up a little just today!

In case you've forgotten what Mitch looked like in prior first day of school pics, click here for a recap of grades K-5!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Orchards and Peppermint

We spent a beautiful morning on Sunday at an Apple Orchard/Farm in Delano. The little boys had SO much fun. It was a great farm with LOTS of animals. I think we'll definitely visit again sometime. We ended the outing with lunch at the crazy Peppermint Twist drive-in in Delano. They have a GREAT completely fenced in area ("fenced in" is the key), with picnic tables and all sorts of random toys outside for LITTLE kids to play on. I can honestly say that I didn't have to get up off my chair the whole time.
(Click on pictures to see them bigger)...

Just arriving, walking up the road to the farm.

Baby goats

Turkeys, chicken, cows

Feeding the goats

Tractor ride

Climbing on tires

Chickens, chickens and more chickens...
Piles and piles of corn!

Joel and his new friend at the Peppermint Twist. Seriously, it was a little scary how BIG he was smiling the entire time they were dancing... :) And yes, that is a concrete slab, painted with polka dots, an old pink building with a jute box tucked in it, complete with some sort of dancing bear on the side. Stuff like this is everywhere at this crazy drive-in.