The Benson Boys

The Benson Boys
A glimpse into the lives of our three boys (one big guy and two little guys)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

1.5 Years

When you're 18 months old, you are 28lbs 11 oz (85%) and 341/4 in. (95%) and you can:
1. Talk, talk, talk... in many sentences and can say any and every word. Amazing. Some of your very favorite words and phrases are:
"go down"
"Dito" (Mitchell)
"Doel" (Joel)
"Dant" (Grant)
"dint" (drink)
"get Joel"
"I do big poop"
"hold me, hold me, hold me"
"my turn"
"I jump high"
"I go to school"
"I go down"
"I coming"
"I go"
"I get out"
"I buckle it"
"Narney" (Barney)
"Toby" (your name for all trains)
"yogurt drink"
and many many more. You repeat every thing we say as well.
2. You love to jump and run with your brother Joel.
3. You think you are nothing less than almost 3 years old, like Joel and want to do EVERYthing Joel does... and you do it quite successfully.
4. You LOVE ALL stuffed animals, and carry up to 5 or 6 of them around with you. I don't think you have ever come across a stuffed animal that you didn't love.
5. You sleep with every blanket and stuffed animal you can find, the more the better.
6. You take a great nap and go to bed easily by yourself at night.
7. You are quite the lover and sweet little boy, but watch out for that temper when it comes around. You can be very stubbornly independent when you want to do something by yourself.
8. You are starting to test the limits right now, to see what will happen and have landed yourself in a few time-outs lately for train-throwing.
9. You have looonnng beautiful eyelashes and curly/crazy hair, that are always commented on.
10. You are a very special, sweet, loving, smart, little guy and we love you.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Love him. He is such a spunky, hilarious little brother. Thank God, we made it to the 18 month mark :).