The Benson Boys

The Benson Boys
A glimpse into the lives of our three boys (one big guy and two little guys)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Homemade Photo Shoot

Today, despite too much sun in our eyes to take great photos, a crazy 3 year old, a crazy 2 year old, and my terrible camera (and lack of photography training), we decided to make the best of an opportunity to take some pictures of the boys while the weather is still decent. Here are few of my favorites.... now what I should really do is post some of the other 179 pictures that I took that didn't make the blog. haha!
The picture above was right when we got there and Joel and Grant kept looking every 2 seconds to see if a train was coming. No trains came while we were there, but at first Grant just kept saying, "A train is coming, we need to get off the tracks", "A train is coming, I hear it", "I hear a train, a train is coming", etc, etc.
Mitchell, looking very grown-up, I think.
Joel doing a "model pose"... that's what I asked him to do anyway.

A self-timer photo with my camera on a lawn chair we hauled out on the tracks. And even despite one child with a finger in their nose, still probably our best family photo to date. (it may even be the first, I'm not sure)

Highlight of the day (according to Joel), throwing rocks into the Crow River. I am pretty sure Joel and Grant would have done this all day.
You may recognize the location, as it is the same spot that Grant has some of his 2 year photos taken recently. When we got there and I saw how bright and sunny it was, I would have preferred to continue on to a shadier location, but that was NOT happening with how excited Joel and Grant were to go out on the railroad tracks, and I assure you by the time we took these photos, we were NOT going to be able to withstand a second location. no way.


Stephanie said...

These are BEAUTIFUL, Katie! Seriously, so so good! I think you have some real winners there!

Kruger Kids said...

These are fantastic pictures Katie! Love them!

Amber said...

Gorgeous pics!!