The Benson Boys

The Benson Boys
A glimpse into the lives of our three boys (one big guy and two little guys)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Surprises Me

So I was just telling a friend a couple days ago that Joel had absolutely zero interest in trying to write his name, and that is true... today was the first time ever that Joel has attemped to write any letter. He just never has any interest and always gets upset when I ask, even when I try to do it in fun types of ways, so I don't push it. I know, I know, he is not even 4 years old and it's no big deal if he is not interested in writing letters yet, but still... a mom has to try right!? Hence... I was shocked today after a couple times of tracing over some dots that I made (and earning a tiny reward of one mini flavored marshmellow), that he did this totally by himself. You can see under the "J" that he started out with dots and then traced over it. Looks great to me!


Stephanie said...

Oh my word! What a little stud! Verrrrrry impressive, Joel :)

Amber said...

This was one of my most favorite milestones of Liam's. Being a teacher, I could not wait for this and the writing and reading to come along! Just recently we started writing sentences and spelling words. I'm in heaven! Can't wait to start reading!