The Benson Boys

The Benson Boys
A glimpse into the lives of our three boys (one big guy and two little guys)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Birthday Boy

It sounds cliche, but WHERE have the last 5 years gone!... sitting here right now, it is so hard to believe we will  be sending you off to kindergarden next year. The thought of if, makes me want to SLOW down and enjoy this next 9 months with you at home. I can't even imagine how much I (and Grant too) will miss you next year when you are gone all day. You are growing up so fast. Looking back on the last 5 years, I can certainly say that I could have never been prepared for parenthood... the ups, the downs, the ways in which it challenges me and humbles me on a daily basis are amazing. You are such a blessing, with your spunk, your endless energy, and excitement in all you do. Happy Golden Birthday Joel!!

A little bit about our day... Joel was SO excited about the fact that it was going to be his birthday when he woke up that he could NOT get to sleep last night, and Grant was joining in the "not being able to fall asleep fun", I think it took both of them nearly 4 hours to fall asleep, and when he woke up this morning, he was so excited to be FIVE. We opened gifts, had dinner and cupcakes with Nana Jane, and the boys ended the night with an ultimate Bey Blade Battle where Joel emerged as the "King of the Bey Blades" with his new Tornado Bey Blade. (more pictures to come later)

We are so looking forward to the next 2 days of celebrating with Joel, his friends tomorrow, and all of our family on Saturday.

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