The Benson Boys

The Benson Boys
A glimpse into the lives of our three boys (one big guy and two little guys)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

A Day at the Children's Musem

Last week, while my mom was in town, we spent the day at the Children's Museum in St. Paul. It is definitely a toddler's paradise, that's for sure. I think we only saw about 1/3 of the museum before the late afternoon hit, and we had to head home. It is HUGE! I knew that Joel would have a blast exploring everything and he did, but what I didn't expect was the fact that Grant decided he was going to be an active participant as well. (he was really too young for most things we saw, but he is 10 mos, going on 2, so the kids 3 to 5 times his size running everywhere, nearly trampling him, did not phase him in the least.) But again, I am pretty sure he has no clue he is 10 mos old... his only concern was that he HAD to be doing whatever Joel was doing.

In the truck, in the Clifford exhibit

Grant, climbing through a log, in the nature room, back and forth, back and forth...

My cousin's son, Drake and his grandma, met us there. Here is Drake and Joel, looking in at an exhibit.

Grant and grandma

Sending the boats down with "nana"

Grant, eating everything, of course... lovely...

Joel, collecting balls, so no one else could find any, giving Grant only the dented balls to play with.

Joel, stocking up on juice in the pretend grocery store.

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