The Benson Boys

The Benson Boys
A glimpse into the lives of our three boys (one big guy and two little guys)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Maple Maze and a Haircut

Joel got his second professional haircut today! You may not remember hearing much about the first and that was for good reason... it was a complete disaster. In fact, I may have even been crying when we left the hair salon (the first time). But... now I know that these kids haircut places were created for a very good reason... they work! I was so impressed with Joel today. He had a sucker, a movie, and some sort of Thomas figure on his lap... he was happy as a clam. I REALLY could not believe it. I was prepared for the absolute worst. Yeah for "Kid's Hair"!!

Since we were going to Maple Grove for the hair cut, we decided to stop and play at the "Maple Maze" at the Maple Grove Community Center before-hand. I definitely think we'll be back there soon. Joel had a blast, and I was really impressed by this place. It's one GIGANTIC play structure, all netted in and padded and perfect for kids Joel's age and much bigger as well. Grant has a ways to go before he can play, but he even had fun watching the kids run around.

This slide was FAST!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That place (Maple Maze) is great! Liam and Landon just loved it!