The Benson Boys

The Benson Boys
A glimpse into the lives of our three boys (one big guy and two little guys)

Friday, August 27, 2010

MN Zoo

We made our annual trip to the MN Zoo last week. I can see that each year will continue to be more and more fun for the boys. We actually did skip last year I guess, so we haven't been there in 2 years, so it was a whole new thing for Joel and Grant this time around. I always forget just how big the zoo is and how much walking you can do! It wasn't even a hot day and it still felt downright HOT by late afternoon in the sun. I couldn't have imagined being there then it was 15 or 20 degrees hotter!
The feeding of the dolphins was definitely a highlight... the dolphin did tricks for food and it was they loved it (as you can see above)
Random chicken in the farm area of the zoo.

We were lucky to be in the farm area during "contact hours" this year, so the boys all got to be in with the goats and brush them. They loved it.

Grant just kinda wandered from goat, to goat, to goat, brushing, but not really even looking wat what he was doing and before wandering to the next goat.

That's really all I got for pictures. It was hard to take pictures with how busy we were!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Bike Mania

There is one thing I can say for SURE about these bikes... they have been ridden, and ridden, and ridden some more. Every day, more than once a day since all summer long. I think Joel is nearly out growing his, as he pedals so hard the front wheel looks like it's bending and he tips the whole thing over if he doesn't lean the right way when turning corners:) Grant, on the other hand, doesn't quite have the strength (or long enough legs) to actually use the pedals. I assure you, however, that this does not prevent him from going nearly as fast as Joel on his bike. I will need to post some video of that sometime... his Flintstone method of riding is pretty entertaining.

Don't think about smiling now, Grant.

This is what they do... round and around our driveway they go. Joel likes to go around the block, but Grant hasn't made it very far both times I've tried that... the first time I ended up carrying Grant and his bike half-way around the block, while Joel was so far ahead I could barely see him. The second time, Grant decided to ditch his bike about a quarter of the way around the block, so I opted to come back later for the bike, and did end up carrying Grant the rest of the way, while running in the 93 degree heat, in order to keep up with Joel. I'm thinking maybe next year will be better for venturing around the block on bikes...

Monday, August 9, 2010


Joel had a friend over to play today (without the friends mom) for the very first time today. His name is Kallen and since we are still at the stage were I get to pick his friends :), I picked my very nice friend, Kia's, son. He was here for about 3 1/2 hours. We played inside, then played outside in the pool, water table, and slip 'n slide, at some lunch, then played inside some more. There were no fights between Kallen and Joel while he was here... (I wish I could say the same for Joel and his brother, however....).

Giant Slip'n Slide!

For lack of creativity, this is what we call a "Giant Slip'n Slide", and I think you will agree... I don't even know how many feet long this thing was, but apparently we finally found a good use for a piece of landscaping plastic that Jeff has had for like 10 years:)

I love the picture above... just bummed it is a little blurry.

That's right... you know it's hot when Katie Benson is seen on the slip'n slide... and yes, I screamed the entire way down every time. It was fast, I swear.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Pool Party

Saturday turned out to the be the perfect day for Mitchell's end of season baseball party. HOT. The boys were in the pool (at one of Mitchell's teamates house) for HOURS.

Joel and Grant are finally REALLY getting the hang of being in the water and even UNDER the water. They have come along way just in the last few weeks. They are looking more and more ready for swimming lessons every day. Joel bobbed around the pool in water he couldn't touch in for the first time ever.

And Grant became king of JUMPING. At first... he would only jump RIGHT into Jeff's arms and going under took at little getting used to, but by the end of the party...

He couldn't get enough of jumping and eventually...

didn't even care if Jeff was there to catch him or not!

Friday, August 6, 2010


Don't let...these...
beautiful... eyes....
fool you!

Someone around here has definitely hit the "terrible...


... and I won't post the pictures of what THAT typically looks like:) .... but I will tell you that today you may have found me holding a screaming, kicking child on a park bench in a time-out when someone else needed to take a turn on the swing and Grant didn't agree, and just maybe yesterday you would have found Grant laying in the Cub Foods parking lot because he wanted to "walk by himself" through the busy parking lot instead of hold my hand, and just maybe the day before that he may have taken a swing at his dear mommy for opening his van door for him instead of letting him open it himself (even though the motor on the door is broken and it is WAY too heavy for him to open himself).

Oh, the joys of 2 year olds:)... I also know that I will look back on these days and remember how sweet the sound of his voice is when he talks or sings and how precious everything he does is... and why is it so sweet and precious... because he is TWO, of course!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Boating and Fishing on Pulaski

Thanks to Nana and Papa's new pontoon boat, the boys have had a chance to really get to know Lake Pulaski (theo ne right by our house) this year. Going out in the boat has become one of their favorite things to do on the weekends.

And equally as important as fishing... eating of course!

Big Brother times THREE!

Mitchell has been in Wisconsin this week to welcome his new baby SISTER, Anna Marie Heath. Of course, we already know what a good big brother he will make, but this time he gets to experience a touch of PINK, with his new sibling:) Congratulations Ebony and Jay!