The Benson Boys

The Benson Boys
A glimpse into the lives of our three boys (one big guy and two little guys)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Back to School!

7am: Mitch all set for the start of 7th grade and the start of after school football practice on the Junior High team. Sounds like his day was pretty smooth... only went to the wrong class once:)... so I guess that is good!

9am: Joel all smiles after hanging up his backpack at his very first day of preschool. He was so proud of his new spiderman jacket (thanks Nana Jane) and just so proud in general that he was going to school. There were no issues whatsoever with me leaving him there. He barely even looked up from what he was doing. However, that doesn't mean it was a peaceful departure... look behind Joel in the picture and you will see Mr. Grant, climbing up to hang up his own backpack (that he insisted on bringing even though I told him he was going to come home with me). Grant was very much ready to stay at preschool. Hence... we made QUITE the scene leaving today. I am quite certain that Grant's screams could be heard up and down all the halls of the school. He even turned down my nice friend who offered him a sucker to help him feel better and the recovery took about 10 minutes. There was NOTHING I could do for this poor abandoned little brother. I felt soooo bad!

Next year, Grant... :)

Joel, before leaving for school, trying to smile through the tears. He did NOT want me to take his picture this morning. Then we finally agreed he would smile for a picture when we got to school.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I am so impressed that despite all of the horrible crying in your ears, you managed to capture Grant in his carseat, hehe! Priceless story of brothers :)