The Benson Boys

The Benson Boys
A glimpse into the lives of our three boys (one big guy and two little guys)

Monday, May 30, 2011

Birthday Party 13 and 3!

This past Sunday we had our traditional Memorial Day weekend combined family birthday party for Mitchell and Grant. I always enjoy inviting our families over and celebrating with them. It is really one of two times that the families come to our house each year and even though it requires work to get the food and the cake ready, I always look forward to it. I am always appreciative of my sister who always shows up early and usually gets stuck making pickle roll-ups for an hour or more and then continues to help me throughout! I definitely hope to pay-back the favor someday.

I guess you could say the boys both got what they desired as far as cake goes. Grant requested MONTHS ago, a "Piston Cup Race Track Cake", and Mitchell's request was a white cake with white frosting. Let's just say Mitch got his all to himself, as Grant's cake required 4.5 cake mixed to complete. It was giant sized, but I had to choice, since it had to be in proportion to the cars from the movie "Cars" that were to go on it, of course:)

A big hit, the "Air Hog" airplane from Uncle Jon and family.

Mitchell's new facebook profile picture!... not:)

Apparently we forgot to teach Grant to blow before his birthday. The air is going straight up, as you can probably tell...

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