The Benson Boys

The Benson Boys
A glimpse into the lives of our three boys (one big guy and two little guys)

Friday, September 16, 2011

We are Ready!

I have to say, Halloween, and preparing for Halloween take on a whole new level of fun with young and enthusiastic children in the house. I am guessing the boys will spend of most of today (and probably lots more days) up to Halloween, in full Halloween atire. After much thought and many changing of minds, the boys made their final decisions today... we have....


... and Snake Eyes!!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Last Day of Summer?!...

I hope not, but this time of year you just never know. Monday was a hot one and swimsuits, freezies, and splashing in the pool all day was what we needed to do.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Saturday Morning Fun

This morning was a great morning. Jeff had left the house to play flag football with some friends (yes, that's a new thing and yes, he came home walking on both feet). The boys slept in until 8, and I was awakened not until 8:30 to the sound of laughing and jumping, along with lots of silly words to make each other laugh. Pure fun... which happens alot when your best buddy lives with you:)

Excuse the grainy pics, I should have turned on my flash but tried cranking my ISO instead. Didn't work, but I read recently on one of the photography blogs I follow... better to have some grain, than to have nothing at all...

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Practice, Practice, Practice

Several people (friends) have asked me to take photos for them recently. I love doing it and each time I do, I learn so much. Here are a few of my favorites of my friend, Steph's spunky daughter CiCi, as well as my friend, Jessica, expecting in just a couple weeks.

CiCi is always pulling together unique outfits and my friend had been wanting to get some nice pictures of her in one of her outfits, but maybe not pay a professional, so here is what we came up with:) ... and no, I did NOT change her eye color, that is just the way it looks in the bright light. I even had to go back to my original pics and make SURE that her eyes looked the way they were supposed to and they did!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A New Year

8th Grader (king of the middle school) left bright and early Tuesday, while his brothers were still sleeping. So far, it seems that 8th grade is going to be a breeze, no worries for this guy, but I can't believe Mitch is just one short year away from HIGH SCHOOL, that's crazy.

Grant, ready for his first day of preschool on Tuesday and Joel, ready to help me drop him off, and being so understanding about the fact that he doesn't get to go to school until Wednesday.

Grant, waiting to go into the preschool, suddenly feeling shy :)...

Picking out his name

Sporting a few fat lip and a couple other little scrapes, and is not about to smile. So much for having fun with first day of school pics.

And finally, even though he was too shy to look at the stranger holding my camera, moments later he kissed me good-bye and had a great day at preschool. I was so proud of him!

Today, Joel showed that he is an old preschool pro, and didn't even break stride as he flew into his old classroom. He loved it as usual and had a great day as well. It is hard to believe that next year he will be heading to kindergarten!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

New Toy

You guessed it, this toy does not live at our house... Grandma and Grandpa are at it again, spoiling the boys, getting lots of smiles. You almost should need a driver's license to operate this thing. I was honestly a bit concerned for small children on the street with Joel behind the wheel of this (quite speedy) toy:)

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Camp-out?... maybe not...

Joel got the idea a couple weeks ago (completely his idea), that he wanted to camp in the backyard. Jeff was on board with the idea and they planned all week to set up the tent on Friday night and camp-out...
Tent ready!... but it was not to be. Grant only made it until dark and Joel made it quite a bit longer, but ultimately they didn't hack it, in the backyard. Maybe next year...

Boys and their firey sticks!... watch out

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Another Hot Day

We just...had to...
do this...
one more time!