The Benson Boys

The Benson Boys
A glimpse into the lives of our three boys (one big guy and two little guys)

Friday, October 21, 2011

Bunk Buddies at Last!

I lost track of how long these bunk beds have been in our garage waiting for the boys, but the time has come for Joel and Grant to move in together. Judging by how often Grant fell out of his toddler bed, he had obviously outgrown it and is ready for a big boy bed. Tonight is night #2 and Grant is still not sold completely on this deal, but he looks much more comfortable in the bigger bed to me. I think he misses his old room and the familiarity of it... it was alot of change for one night for Grant. Joel, on the other hand, is loving the change and although the 5:30am wake up time this morning was a little early, I am hoping over time the newness will wear off and they will consider sleeping in again.

Notice the sheets, half spider-man, half Star Wars (circa 1979 or so, as they were Jeff's when he was little, thank you Grandma Benson for saving them). This picture is for you:)

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

AWESOME! Countless fun/ny stories to come, eh! I was always SO jealous of my brothers getting to bunk up :)