The Benson Boys

The Benson Boys
A glimpse into the lives of our three boys (one big guy and two little guys)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

No Shirt, No Shoes, No Pants... Plenty of Service

In other words, a day at Grandma and Grandpa's house. I stole some pictures off my mom's camera this weekend, and it's always fun to see what that kiddos are up to when mom and dad are away. They never seem to have much in the way of clothes on, but it seems that they have lots of fun! Oh, the things that Nanas and Papas let them get away with.
Ice Cream sandwiches in the living room? (half-clothed, of course)... why not!... Grandma just cleans the carpet afterwards.

Birthday cupcakes for other little ones in the neighborhood, sure... why not! - that's what Grandmas do, right! (can't see Joel's lower half here, but I would bet he doesn't have pants on)

Throwing balls around the house ... sure, why not! (with no clothes, of course)
Grant cleaning the bathroom floor??... well, at least she teaches them to clean-up after themselves. (without pants, of course)

Eating healthy food, of course.

Playing with bubbles in the driveway (without pants, once again)

Whoa!, what is this! The have pants on, what's the occasion!
Thowing toilet paper in the living room, why not!... (and why would you need pants for that!)
I like to give my mom a hard time about the clothes, but I really just think it's funny. Heck, it seems that everything is more fun without pants!


The Thompson's said...

Loved the commmentary KO!

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Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.

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