The Benson Boys

The Benson Boys
A glimpse into the lives of our three boys (one big guy and two little guys)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

What We've Been Up To....

My blogging has been falling behind!... probably an indication that we are in the dead of winter (with not alot going on), and mom is busy (reluctantly) working more than usual lately, keeping me away from my nap time blogging sessions :)

Mitchell is keeping busy with school, basketball, and hanging out with friends, mixed in with some weekend trips to Wisconsin. Hopefully I'll get some bball pictures over the weekend. He has had a few games now, and is scoring some points and getting some rebounds.

The little guys have been up to their usual favorites which lately seems to involve a whole lot of wrestling (not my favorite) and the not so occasional confrontation. They now have conversations which are absolutely a hoot to listen to and Joel really appreciates it when Grant listens to him and does what he is told. Grant is totally DONE being told what to do or being pushed around, however... We have been seeing ALOT of the fiery side of this non-redheaded little one lately. At times I stand in disbelief at some of the aggressive moves he pulls. He has "spirit", without a doubt! As Grant edges closer and closer to age 2, it is becoming quite clear that he will NOT be the laid back little boy that I once thought he may be :) It won't be long before they are on equal ground...

Ahhh, the happy times... ah, but if you look closely, you can see what begins as a snuggle in the first picture turn into the infamous wrestling match in the second picture :)

An olympic sport around here, Laundry Basket Jumping!

Ice cream... can you tell which boy liked it and which one was not a fan?

Under the train table and another new olympic sport, Laundry Basket Wrestling...

More Wrestling...

Grant, consoling Joel (at my request) after splashing water in his face, which caused him to cry.

And last, but not least, Joel, about 30 minutes after I put him to bed (fully clothed of course), called me up to his room to request that he wear the batman cape he is holding to bed(that's when I find him completely naked). And yes, I did end up attaching it to his pajamas in order to get him to sleep :)

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