The Benson Boys

The Benson Boys
A glimpse into the lives of our three boys (one big guy and two little guys)

Friday, May 14, 2010

Birthday Boy! (post #1)

How great was it to finally wake up to sunshine on Mr. Grant's second birthday! We got to take a great outing to a great new park in Rockford to celebrate the day, and later on tonight we will have some cupcakes, singing, and presents of course. More pictures to come :) Now if I really wanted to be fair about documenting th entire day, I should have taken pictures this morning of the screaming child at his well-child check, where he got shots and a finger prick, and (obviously) was not very happy about either... poor guy. I have to admit, I felt a little guilty about taking him to the dr. on his actual birthday :(

A cute story from today... Grant had been lying in his bed for almost an hour during naptime today and I was still hearing some talking going on, so I snuck over to his door and peaked and heard Grant quietly singing... "happy birthday to me, happy birthday to Grant"... over and over. It was SOO sweet!

Another little boy at the park gave Joel a caterpillar.

Could NOT get to cooperate for this picture:)

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