The Benson Boys

The Benson Boys
A glimpse into the lives of our three boys (one big guy and two little guys)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Lincoln is 7 and Jayna is 4!!

And we got to celebrate with them of course! Party themes this year for Aunt Katie to tackle... Hello Kitty (easy, Jayna, thank you!), and Bakugan (NOT so easy). Seriously, have you ever tried drawing a dragon onto a cake!? Seriously though, we had a great time celebrating with them, and eating Terri's killer homemade Chipotle burritos. num!!


Stephanie said...

MY word, KO! Those are awesome cakes! And I'm sure they were delicious to boot :)

Kruger Kids said...

DID YOU DECORATE THOSE CAKES?!?! Oh my gosh- they are SO cute!! Nice job Miss Artsy Fartsy!!