The Benson Boys

The Benson Boys
A glimpse into the lives of our three boys (one big guy and two little guys)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Quick Story

Tuesday morning, 8:40am, time to leave the house... Joel and Grant playing (noisily, but nicely) in the living room. I say "Okay, Joel and Grant, it's time to get our jackets on and get going". Joel replies, "No, not yet mom". Grant followed "Not yet, mom". This was about the third time I had asked them to come get their jackets on, so this time I said "Okay, but mommy is leaving now." The both say, "bye-bye". So, I go into the mudroom and open and close the door loudly to pretend I am leaving. Then, I wait to hopefully hear them get up and come and make sure I didn't leave, but instead I hear Grant say "Oh, mommy go to work", and Joel says "Ooo-tay", and they continue playing. Clearly this wasn't working so I walked back into the living room, defeating and gather up my two monkeys...

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