The Benson Boys

The Benson Boys
A glimpse into the lives of our three boys (one big guy and two little guys)

Monday, March 15, 2010

New Boots

We had a half an hour to kill today, while Mitchell was at his guitar lesson, so I thought it would be fun to put on the rubber boots on and find some puddles at the church where Mitchell's lesson was... (ok, I thought it would be fun AND I really wanted pictures of these new boots Gma Jane bought them last week). haha. They both loved it, but what I really should have gotten pictures of was the part where it was time to leave, and they were both soaked in muddy water. I hadn't thought that far ahead, I guess, as to how I was going to get them home without destroying the carseats. I ended up cranking the heat up in the car, taking all their clothes off (except for the shirt under their jackets)... however, the going home with no pants idea... did NOT go over well with either one of them. Live and learn. But hey, for cute pictures with crazy cute boots... it was well worth it, right...

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Hilarious! And the girls want to know what is on your cake? Important things, right. Oh, and what the boots are? Are they dinosaurs? SUPER cute!